Sunday, September 25, 2016

News for the Week of 9/20-9/27

Author: Liene Riekstina
Source: The Roanoke Times

This Saturday on 9/24 Donald Trump was visiting Roanoke city in Virginia. This was his second appearance in the last two months. 
Trump gave a 30-minute speech to a crowd of about 8,000 people. He started his remarks with a shout-out to the Virginia Tech football team, which won against East Carolina University team earlier in the day.
The rest of his speech covered such topics as college debt, opioid abuse, over-regulating the energy industry and the notorious topic about building a border wall between the United States and Mexico.

Latest polls show that 42% Virginians might vote for Trump, so the race is tight. That is why Trump plans to be back in Virginia every week until the election in November.

You can read more about Trump's visit in Roanoke here:

Author: Payden Volbrecht
Source: CNN

Last Saturday, 9/24/2016, CNN posted an article that shows Donald Trump either gaining or increasing his lead in many of the battle ground states. Virginia in particular was very surprising due to the fact that the former governor of Virginia, Time Kaine, is Mrs. Clinton's running mate. Mrs. Clinton had such a commanding lead in Virginia that advertising for the democratic candidate in that state had stopped. Unfortunately for Mrs. Clinton, this proved to be a questionable decision as the newest polls show that her lead has fallen too only a 6 point lead. The Quinnipiac University survey that created these polls say that there is a 3.8 point margin of error for the Virginian poll. With Mr. Trump visiting Virginia frequently, Mrs. Clinton may want to start advertising in that state again.

The article that I obtained this information is posted below,

Author: Carter James
Source: WDBJ7 (Roanoke, VA)

A poll was conducted recently by the Watson Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University. The poll shows that currently among likely voters in Virginia that Hillary is currently beating Donald Trump in the state. In a head to head contest between the Republican and Democratic nominees, Clinton is winning 48-38 percent but among the 5 candidates that will be on the Virginian ballot, the tally is Clinton 39, Trump 33 and Johnson 15. Green Party nominee Jill Stein and independent Evan McMullin each take 3 percent. The poll also found that 54 percent of voters dont trust Hillary and 53 percent of voters find Donald Trump to be racist. 

The interesting thing is looking at the millennial vote breakdown. In a head to head poll, Clinton has a commanding lead of 52-30 percent but with the full ballot, Clinton is at 34 percent, Johnson at 27, and Trump at 23. Other data taken from the poll include things like women in Virginia prefer Clinton to Trump at a 2:1 ratio and military voters prefer Trump 48-39 percent. 

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