Monday, September 19, 2016

How is Virginia going to vote?

Author: Liene Riekstina
Main source:

Virginia is one of the original 13 colonies and birthplace of 4 of the first 5 U.S. presidents, including George Washington. In 1792, Virginia controlled 15.9% of all electoral votes which is the largest concentration in U.S. history. From the post-Civil War Reconstruction period through 1948, Virginians almost always sided with the Democrats in elections. However, from 1952 through 2004, Virginia was reliably Republican. Again in 2008 Virginia changed its voting habits by voting for Democrat candidate, Barack Obama. Figure 1.1. shows a graphs depicting the voting history of Virginia.

Virginia voting history
(Figure 1.1.)
Yellow: winning candidates from party other than Democratic or Republican.
Red: Republican party
Blue: Democrat party

2016 is colored green until after the election.

In order to become President 270 ellectoral college votes are required, Virginia has a higher number of electoral college votes with 13. It is likely that in 2016 elections Virginians will vote for Democrat candidate Hilary Clinton. Latest polls show that 46% might vote for Clinton, while 42% might vote for Trump. The presidental race is going to be tightenting nationally but polls are already indicating that Clinton is more likely to get the required 270 votes. Figure 1.2 is a map that shows the current poll standings for each State.
If no candidate receives 270 electoral votes, the House of Representatives will pick the president. Each state delegation gets one vote, regardless of the number of congressional districts it has. 26 votes, representing a majority of the states, are required to win.

(Figure 1.2.)

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